Livros e monografias publicados por membros do GFM em 2022:
- G. Cotti, Cyclic stratum of Frobenius manifolds, Borel-Laplace (α,β)-multitransforms, and integral representations of solutions of Quantum Differential Equations, Memoirs of the European Mathematical Society, Vol 2 (2022), 134pp.
URL: - R. A. C. Ferreira, Discrete fractional calculus and fractional difference equations. Springer Briefs in Mathematics. Springer, Cham, 2022
Artigos, capítulos de livro e conference proceedings publicados por membros do GFM em 2022:
- P. R. S. Antunes, A well conditioned method of fundamental solutions for Laplace equation, Numerical Algorithms 91 (2022), 1381-1405
URL: - P. R. S. Antunes, B. Bogosel, Parametric shape optimization using the support function, Computational Optimization and Applications 82 (2022), 107-138
URL: - P. R. S. Antunes, F. P. da Costa, J. T. Pinto, R. Sasportes, Modelling silicosis: Dynamics of a model with piecewise constant rate coefficients, J. Dynamics Diff. Equ. (2022)
URL: - S. Bögli, J. B. Kennedy, R. Lang, On the eigenvalues of the Robin Laplacian with a complex parameter, Anal. Math. Phys. 12 (2022), 39
URL: - S. Bögli, P.-A. Vuillermot, A spectral theorem for the semigroup generated by a class of infinitely many master equations, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 178 (2022), 1-28
URL: - D. Buoso, J. B. Kennedy, The Bilaplacian with Robin boundary conditions, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 54 (2022), 36-78
URL: - R. Conti, J. Romano, R. Tateo, Metric approach to a TT-like deformation in arbitrary dimensions, J. High Energ. Phys. 2022 (2022), 85
URL: - D. Corradetti, A. Marrani, D. Chester, R. Aschheim, Conjugation matters. Bioctonionic Veronese vectors and Cayley–Rosenfeld planes, Internat. J. Geom. Methods Modern Phys. 19 (2022), 2250142
URL: - D. Corradetti, A. Marrani, D. Chester, R. Aschheim, Octonionic planes and real forms of G2, F4 and E6, Geom. Integr. Quantization 23 (2022), 39-57
URL: - D. Corradetti, F. Zucconi, A geometrical interpretation of Okubo spin group, J. Geom. Phys. 182 (2022), 104641
URL: - G. Cotti, Coalescence phenomenon of quantum cohomology of Grassmannians and the distribution of prime numbers, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2022, 1454-1493 (2022)
URL: - G. Cotti, A. Varchenko, The ∗-Markov equation for Laurent polynomials, Moscow Math. Journal 22 (2022), 1-68
URL: - A. B. Cruzeiro, C. Oliveira, J. C. Zambrini, Time symmetric optimal stochastic control problems in space-time domains, Optimization 71 (2022), 3241-3275
URL: - A. B. Cruzeiro, J. C. Zambrini, Stochastic Geodesics, Geometry and Invariance in Stochastic Dynamics, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics vol. 378, 2022
URL: - D. Cusseddu, A. Madzvamuse, Numerical investigations of the bulk-surface wave pinning model, Math. Biosci. 354 (2022), 108925, 11pp.
URL: - N. C. Dias, M. de Gosson, J. N. Prata, Partial traces and the geometry of entanglement: Sufficient conditions for the separability of Gaussian states, Reviews in Mathematical Physics 34 (2022), 2250005
URL: - N. C. Dias, F. Luef, J. N. Prata, Uncertainty principle via variational calculus on modulation spaces, J. Functional Analysis 283 (2022), 109605
URL: - R. A. C. Ferreira, Discrete fractional calculus and the Saalschutz theorem, Bull. Sci. Math. 174 (2022), 103086, 12pp.
URL: - R. A. C. Ferreira, Stability of a class of entropies based on fractional calculus. J. Appl. Anal. 28 (2022), 105-107
URL: - P. Freitas, R. S. Laugesen, Two balls maximize the third Neumann eigenvalue in hyperbolic space, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) XXIII (2022), 1325-1355
URL: - N. Manojlovic, I. Salom, Rational so(3) Gaudin model with general boundary terms, Nuclear Physics B 978 (2022), 115747
URL: - A. Mikovic, Effective actions for Regge piecewise flat quantum gravity, Universe 8 (2022), 262
URL: - A. Mikovic, N. Manojlovic, Self-dual cosmological Bianchi IX and VIII metrics, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 26 (2022), 2841-2857
URL: - A. Mikovic, M.A. Oliveira, M. Vojinovic, Hamiltonian analysis of the BF CG theory for a strict Lie 2-group, será publicado em Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 26, no. 10 (2022)