More news items and events are archived on our old site.
Past projects
- Schroedinger’s problem and optimal transport: a multidisciplinary perspective
FCT project, 01/01/2019 to 01/01/2021
Reference PTDC/MAT-STA/28812/2017 - Irregular connections on algebraic curves and quantum field theory (QuantumG)
FCT project, 16/09/2018 to 15/09/2021
Reference PTDC/MAT-PUR/30234/2017 - From stochastic geometric mechanics to mass transportation problems
FCT project, 15/05/2016 to 14/05/2019
Reference PTDC/MAT-STA/0975/2014 - Extremal spectral quantities and related problems
FCT project, 15/05/2016 to 14/05/2019
Reference PTDC/MAT-CAL/4334/2014 - PDE and probability in mathematical physics
FCT project, 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2014
Reference PTDC/MAT/120354/2010 - Eigenvalues of the Laplacian: analytic, geometric and computational aspects
FCT project, 18/01/2010 to 17/05/2013
Reference PTDC/MAT/101007/2008 - Probabilistic approach to finite and infinite dimensional dynamical systems
FCT project, 01/01/2010 to 31/12/2012
Reference PTDC/MAT/104173/2008
Past events organised by members of GFM

- Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Stochastic & Deterministic Methods (Lisboa, 2014)
- Recent Advances in Topological Quantum Field Theory (Lisboa, 2012)
- Quantum Integrable Systems and Geometry (Olhão, 2012)
- Contemporary Ways of Integrability (Lisboa, 2012)
- Geometry, Dynamics, Integrable Systems – GDIS 2011 (Sintra, 2011)
- 74th European Study Group with Industry (Aveiro, 2010)
- 2nd Porto meeting on Mathematics for Industry (Porto, 2010)
- Chern-Simons Gauge Theory: 20 years after (Bonn, 2009)
- 1st Porto Meeting on Mathematics for Industry (Porto, 2009)
- The 69th European Study Group with Industry 2009 (Coimbra, 2009)
- Second Workshop on Quantum Gravity and Noncommutative Geometry (Lisboa, 2008)
- XVI International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics (Lisboa, 2007)
- Infinite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Integrable Systems II (Universidade do Algarve, 2007)
- SAMP 2006 – Stochastic Analysis in Mathematical Physics (Lisboa, 2006)
- Mathematics in Chemistry (Lisboa, 2006)
- Young Researchers Symposium on Mathematical Physics (Lisboa, 2003)
- ICMP 2003 – XIV International Congress on Mathematical Physics (Lisboa, 2003)